Cooling Tower, Risers & Heat Pump Cleaning

A southeastern state condo association was having cooling issues with their AC unit heat pumps. The determination of the issue was water scale had developed and reduced water flow. Rather than replacing thousands of feet of pipe and AC unit heat pumps, RYDLYME was the easiest, lowest cost and safest solution.

700 gallons of RYDLYME and 700 gallons of water (50% dilution) was introduced into the cooling tower and circulated using the cooling tower pumps and external pumps through the risers and heat pumps for six hours. After the six hours, the results were incredible! Prior to the RYDLYME cleaning, the heat pumps were producing 160 PSI on the low side and 500 PSI on the high side. After the RYDLYME cleaning, the heat pumps were producing 100 PSI on the low side and 325 on the high side! Before the RYDLYME cleaning, the heat pumps were producing 100°F water on the inlet and 135°F on the outlet. After the RYDLYME cleaning, the heat pumps were producing 77°F water on the inlet and 90°F on the outlet!

CHALLENGE: A condo association was facing cooling issues due to severe scale build up in their heat pumps & risers.
SOLUTION: A total of 700 gallons of RYDLYME was circulated through the cooling tower, risers & heat pumps for 6 hours total.
RESULTS: The heat pump was able to drop the low side PSI by 60 and the high side PSI by 175! The temperature for the water-in side dropped by 23°F and the water-out side by 45°F!